Waarom Simply Fresh?

Why using Simply Fresh?

  • Economics: Our products extend freshness and recuce waist.
  • Sustainable: All our products are sustainable and can be reused.
  • Practical: Protection against ethylene can be started right after harvesting. No waiting times like when using competative products (like 1-MCP)
  • Simple: No knowledge or expertise needed to apply our products
  • Safe: Our products have no negative or harmful side effects.
  • Flexible: Because product can be directly applies, logistic flexibility is increased. Combined transport is possible.
  • Affordable: Simply Fresh offers an affordable solution for a serious problem.  No investments in expensive equipment or space is needed.
  • Protection from A to Z: In the whole supply chain Simply Fresh products can be used to neutralize ethylene.
  • Long working: Our solutions work up to 4 weeks.


Our Mission:

The mission of Simply Fresh is to make a substantial contribution a prolong freshness, value and availability of fresh produce and reduce wastage thereof.